Out of the Blue - now live!
O U T OF THE B L U E - now live!
Previously Unseen! This February we bring you the debut of our new online art showcase ‘Out of the Blue’. Bringing you over 400 previously unseen artworks. We gave our artists three briefs with themes and colours art directors will love!
Creative. Unexpected. Out of the Blue.
But that’s not all. We will also be giving you a sneak peek of a SENSATIONAL new illustrator who has joined our family of artists. What better way than to license new art than with a fun showcase - previously unseen work by Jehane Ltd Artists.
🍃If you are an Art Director, email us personally on studio@jehane.com for more details on how to access art. Don’t miss out ~ Artwork is being assigned!
Illustrated by Jenny Zemanek, Animation Jehane Ltd - Rob Sollom.